Remembering Those Who Made a Difference
Genesis 23.17-20
17So Abraham bought the plot of land belonging to Ephron at Machpelah, near Mamre. This included the field itself, the cave that was in it, and all the surrounding trees. 18It was transferred to Abraham as his permanent possession in the presence of the Hittite elders at the city gate. 19Then Abraham buried his wife, Sarah, there in Canaan, in the cave of Machpelah, near Mamre (also called Hebron). 20So the field and the cave were transferred from the Hittites to Abraham for use as a permanent burial place.
One of my favorite passages of scripture is the burial of Sarah. Why? Because it emphasizes God's care for all those who make a difference in the world, regardless of their social status. Contrary to popular notions, the wife of a patriarch such as Abraham was held with incredibly high value. Not only was she responsible for continuing the family line, but the nurture of her children and husband was paramount to the ancient middle eastern territories. It is no surprise, then, that Abraham takes such care in burying his beloved. He buys "the field itself, the cave that was in it, and all the surrounding trees." Sarah's burial place was not merely a tomb, but a memorial likely similar to a garden planted in remembrance of a loved one.
Memorial Day, similarly, involves cherishing those who have made a difference in the world, specifically our military men and women. Millions of Americans have given their lives over the past 200 years to protect the precious concept of freedom we hold near to us. Genesis confirms that God wishes us to honor such people who have made an impact on the world. Today, as we remember the many who have given their blood that we might have freedom running through ours, let us hold with sacred blessing the same attitude of which Abraham held in regards to Sarah. Thank the Lord for all those who have made a difference in the world!