Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Goodness in Man

John 16.13-15
13But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. 15All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you.

One need not look very far into human history to notice something--man, at his very nature, is a cruel and evil corruption of creation. This probably comes as a shock to most of us, since we live in an age of humanism that tells us man is basically good and loving. Perhaps in respect to the law of the land that is true--most people will not steal, commit adultery, murder, etc. In this regard, man still has retained at least a tiny fraction of his obedience to the moral law. However, for thousands of years man has proven again and again that he is in rebellion against his Maker. Ever since Adam and Eve rebelled against God, we have been rebelling ever since, and our punishment has kept coming ever since. Don't let this dishearten you, however. Thankfully, God saw the hopelessness of man and provided a way out--a way to turn Man from his wickedness and into His marvelous light. God provided a way to make man good. I do not just mean good in a relative sense, as in, "It is good you came." Rather, I mean good in the sense that "God's sacrifice for mankind was very good." It is the sort of good that restores man with His Maker, and enables harmony between the two of them.

What guides this goodness? The Holy Spirit, of course. Jesus yields to us special insight here in John 16 regarding the coming of the Holy Spirit. He says that "when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide [us] into all truth." This, beloved, is the secret to bringing out the goodness of man--the guidance of the Holy Spirit. There are few things more comforting than the fact that the Holy Spirit is right here with us, guiding us in truth. Even as I speak, I speak not of my own words, but in the navigation of the Spirit. And as you go throughout your day and live your life, the Holy Spirit will convict you of things you ought not to be doing, and guide you into what you ought to be doing. The reason He guides us into goodness is because He "bring[s] glory to [Christ] by taking from what is [Christ's] and making it known to [us]." Ever been overwhelmed with unexplained compassion, guilt, or joy? It's not just your emotions--it is Christ living in you and working through you. This is a great mystery, but Jesus Himself tells us it is true, and we are inclined to believe Him. Well then, if Christ is working within us, then ought not we to do good? Of course we will! Goodness reflects itself in our words and deeds. Faith with works is produced. It is evidence of our salvation, not the salvation itself. These words and deeds will bring goodness into the world. They will spread the Gospel, spread joy, hope, and love to a lost world desperately seeking compassion.

Beloved, are you allowing the love of God to flow through you? Is it producing goodness in you? Listen to the Holy Spirit today. Allow Him to "guide you into all truth." This is a day-by-day event. Each day Christ progresses us so that we learn a little more and can listen a little more to the Holy Spirit. As you go throughout your day today, let the Holy Spirit guide your words and actions. Let it bring forth goodness in your life that demonstrates itself unto others. Pray that God will touch your heart today in each and every way possible. Pray He will touch the heart of others, so that they will be softened to hear and respond to the Gospel. That is the greatest goodness we can give to the lost: eternal life with Jesus. Amen.

With love in Christ,

Austin Aldrich

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