Sunday, August 15, 2010

"Hi, I'm a Christ Follower"

“Hi, I'm a Christ Follower”
Act 16:22-34 NLT - [22] A mob quickly formed against Paul and Silas, and the city officials ordered them stripped and beaten with wooden rods. [23] They were severely beaten, and then they were thrown into prison. The jailer was ordered to make sure they didn't escape. [24] So he took no chances but put them into the inner dungeon and clamped their feet in the stocks. [25] Around midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening. [26] Suddenly, there was a great earthquake, and the prison was shaken to its foundations. All the doors flew open, and the chains of every prisoner fell off! [27] The jailer woke up to see the prison doors wide open. He assumed the prisoners had escaped, so he drew his sword to kill himself. [28] But Paul shouted to him, "Don't do it! We are all here!" [29] Trembling with fear, the jailer called for lights and ran to the dungeon and fell down before Paul and Silas. [30] He brought them out and asked, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" [31] They replied, "Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with your entire household." [32] Then they shared the word of the Lord with him and all who lived in his household. [33] That same hour the jailer washed their wounds, and he and everyone in his household were immediately baptized. [34] Then he brought them into his house and set a meal before them. He and his entire household rejoiced because they all believed in God.

A major contemporary problem in Christianity today is the prevalence of Christian culture in place of Christianity. I was talking with a friend today about how focused we have become on getting as many people we can saved and in the church building, but we are not interested in changing them. We live in a nation where we are taught to “get saved and get right with the Lord.” Rarely do religious discussions go beyond this. In many places, church is a contemporary social activity, whereby one gains acceptance into the community by engaging in that society's ritualistic habits. Yet if this is what we label Christianity, we have missed the point, and we are no different than the pagans who sacrificed every year to the Corn King because it was expected to uphold their family and community's sense of honor. A parody video of the “Mac vs. PC” ads illustrates this point with the “Christian vs. Christ Follower” advertisement. In it, one man shows all external appearances of being a good Christian: he is dressed to the nines, decked out with Christian bracelets, bumper stickers, and a mountainside of theological books. Proud of his appearance, he asks a young, casually dressed man what he wears to show Christ. The man replies, “Well, nothing, I guess. I don't know, I just try to follow Christ in the way I live my life.” The video can be found here:

The point of this video is to show what true Christianity looks like. Unfortunately, our culture has really begun to believe that being a good Christian means merely going to church every Sunday, praying before supper and bedtime, and not cursing or stealing or doing any of those sorts of awful things. In other words, Christianity has become a mere external shell by which a man's commitment to Christ is shown only in his willingness to dedicate two hours of his Sunday and 20 seconds of his meal.

But is this the Biblical picture? Can we really keep playing Church and playing Christianity? Can all we are really be reduced down to a line in a typical country song or a stereotypical portrayal on a film? The Scripture doesn't seem to think so. Isn't it interesting that every time we see an instance of persecution, witness, or salvation in the Bible, it involves a radical transformation and dedication of one's life? It is a continual pursuit of God that often leads to great suffering and death.

In Acts 16 we see yet another scenario. Paul and Silas, after casting out a spirit from a fortune-teller, are thrown into prison for upsetting the profiteering occurring from the fortune-teller. Notice especially the spirit of Paul and Silas in prison, however. They “were praying and singing hymns to God.” Now, this certainly shows us why we sing those hymns, be they modern or antiquated. Now we see why we pray. We pray and sing because the joy that is within us from Christ overflows and overfills us even in times of desperation. It has been in the moments of suffering, in the moments where I believed God should be furthest away, that I felt Him closest to my heart. Following Christ fills us with an overwhelming love that can't be contained. It spreads out. The scripture says “the other prisoners were listening.” True Christianity doesn't need t-shirts and bracelets, though they may often times be used to help spark an interest in unbelievers or serve as great reminders to us. True Christianity doesn't need a pew, nor a building. It simply needs Christians. If Paul and Silas can worship in a prison cell and impact the prisoners, you and I can do the same! Wherever we are, we must remember who we are following. God's true Church is filled with love and compassion. It is filled with godly men and women willing to die for the truth than to live in separation from God. Christians are so concerned with people that they can't stand to allow the world to live in eternal separation from God.

I hope the picture you see from Paul and Silas presents clearly and precisely the image of the true Christian. Becoming a Christian isn't just a goal. It isn't just something you check off a list and write in your Bible. It isn't something you appeal to occasionally for some cultural value but then do not actively live out. Christianity cannot not be lived out. We must be very concerned about those who have proclaimed Christ as their Lord and yet live for years in sin, never acknowledging Him. The Scripture says of them: “if they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. 21It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them” (2 Peter 2.20-21). Beloved, we must not allow depravity to invade our lives. We must not become cultural Christians, but become Christ-Followers. We must also do everything we can to bring back those who have become that way. If you have become a mere cultural Christian, won't you turn back to God today? Won't you see what it is like to fully and passionately follow Christ in a relationship that is based on love and commitment, not on guilt and social acceptance? Amen.

With love in Christ,

Austin Aldrich


  1. Do you belive in miracles ? Let me tell you a miracle. The preaching about this bible verse was done on the Sunday when I was fired from my last job in Alabama. I cannot give you more details, but you are different. The Lord gave you wisdom and a special intelligence. Give thanks to Him for all these gifts. Keep up with this blog as well.

  2. The secret is in the love that the Christian has for Jesus. I love Jesus more then anything, more then myself. I am aware that nobody loves me more then Him, nobody can give me the peace that He gives me and nobody suffered the agony on the cross for me. But, the sad thing is that America is too spoiled to accept persecution. America has too much of the men's science to have real faith in God as well. And believe me, following Jesus means some pain, some struggle, some persecution. I can tell it from my testimonies. But, the Lord is always there with me. And more then that, I could see miracles even with the eyes of flesh and I had peace in the times of pain, when people were hurting me. I am aware, it is not them who hurt me or reject Jesus, it is the devil which lies this world and leads it into death. And nobody hates Jesus more then the devil.

  3. Yes, it has been in the moments of desperation, the moments of rejection and hurt, the moments of loneliness when I had nobody by myself except those who despised me or casted me out, when I could see His presence. Now, I believe that He brought me to those moments to show me His power when nobody else could help. And, more then that I believe that He brought me to those moments to give me more wisdom, to make me feel His love more deeply and to make me stronger. I believe that He was the sculptor and I was a coal in His hands. I believe that every day He works on me so that He transforms me into the diamond He desires. Paul never desired to become a good preacher, He only desired to be more like Jesus. I have learned to have the same desire like him.

  4. I was interested in changing Jeff, a guy that both of us know. I was burned for having the courage to try that. And maybe, I just did not do it right. God knows. But it is OK, everything was for my benefit in the end. I only grew up in wisdom and faith in God.

  5. A song for you:
    Words do not come easy.. it sings about the love of innocent hearts. Only Jesus can make us children in our hearts.

  6. As a parody of the Romanian modern churches in America, this video applies to them 100%:
    Jesus Christ never built His church in a fancy building. He built His church in the Human Heart. Just make sure that you do not get hurt of what you see in the modern churches and focus on Jesus completely. Then, you will be in peace. I learned it myself. Also, watch out. You might get more persecution from people in churches then from people in the world. They simply do not like to hear the truth because it bothers them and they are not willing to change. That is all. Without love, none can do anything except showing off pride. And Jesus has nothing in common with pride for sure.

  7. But, the Lord never stops to work on His people. There is still a "Jesus follower" in the modern churches. I met some of them. Too few, but they still exist. We just get closer to the end, as the Bible says:

    2 Timothy 3:1-5 (New Living Translation)
    The Dangers of the Last Days
    " 1 You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. 2 For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. 3 They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. 4 They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. 5 They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!"

  8. And I am a witness for Christ. :)
    I addressed a question on "Yahoo Answers" after I took a day off from work and reflected on lots of things.
    Somebody answered this:
    "the life as a christian is not easy,long ago i said you would be percecuted and you are,you must run this race till the end just as all my other christians do in order to get your crown in the end,you have a long way to go and much to accomplish for us,christians arnt quitters,and they are not wimps,keep up the good work,hears a blessing,a prayer and a our father said just for you,practice the holy rosary,practice makes perfect,we love you all,the holy family.
    jesus christ"

    I think he or she is a catholic because of the rosay mentions. Isn't it an irony that
    I hear only bad things about the catholics in our baptist or evanghelical churches ? It is religion which is just twisted because of the Roman Empire history from Constaine and up including other politics such as Inquisition, popes and so on. But, if I think well some of the real witnesses for Christ such as Mother Teresa were catholics.
    I knew the answer to my own question, but I was curious to read what the world out there answers.
    In the end, the Lord gave me another lesson. Who are we to belive in church denominations ? Sadhu Sundar Singh said this: " look at Christ not the Christian sects who quarrel" ....
    In my last days of reflection, God actually tells me this: look at Jesus, follow Jesus, and not a church building or just another social group in which you have to be accepted.
    That is interesting.
    So, I learned these things:
    - This difficult task of being alone, struggle, search for jobs, Corporate America and moving alone from place to place, I guess it is just a combination of persecution and learning for my growth. I gotta take the persecution and just have the faith that the Lord will never give me more then I can handle
    - Follow the example of Sadhu Sundar Singh who said this to an american: "I have no follower. I, myself am a follower of Christ".

    Two things which are difficult, but if God said that they have to be done by me, I guess they can be done by me.

    If you are curious, and it is OK if you are not curious (you won't read too many intelligent naswers anyhow, but there are one or two which are OK) :), these are the answers to my Yahoo Question:;_ylt=ApkZIrdmb0hM3EGPfctfkRMazKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20100817192639AA6leoJ

  9. An ex-mason talks about the demons behind the rock music. He is right. I know of a very smart girl, she was a doctor. She had the bad luck to meet an ex witch. Satanic rituals use rock music as their worhip music. And they also use it to curse Chrstians in flesh. Many car accidents happend because of such curses. Well, I know it is true. The devil hates me big deal any time I try to bring Jesus to anyone.
    Anyhow, if you know about people who listens to rock, especially hard rock, pass it on:

  10. Also, stay away from evey single church that practice rock music as their worhip. Remember, they do it only to attract young people in their churches and organizations, not because they love Jesus.

  11. Check out this article:

    Now, when I was in Romania I worked witha geek who like me. We went out a couple of times. Because he liked me, he told me he was a mason. The free masonry is a secret organziation, they have loudges, strange rituals and it is the power behind all the decisions taken in all the goverments of the world. They were the ones who implemented communism as well. I know all that from that geek.
    That geek and his friend were attracted into free masonery because it promises power. His friend thought only s_ _ _ with women and power or control.
    You have no clue how many men are attracted into something like that. they keep it all secret. I found out only because that geek liked me.

  12. America is at danger. The devil fights against the destruction of its economy so that it will bring to desolation the world economy. Americans who once worshipped God, turned to pride and forgot about the true meaning of the Gospel. Enough for the devil to deceive as much as possible. Now, the danger is that the devil started to polute the churches. But, keep in mind. There will always be a "Jesus follower" or a real Christian in some churches. I met some of them recently. You just have to open your eyes wide everywhere you go. Pray to Jesus for descerment as well. Everything in USA is mind control, abuse of human beings, waste of food, drugs, false helthcare. One girlfriend of mine is a nurse. Seh todl me shocking things about how her doctor deceives patients to get money from drugs. They prescribes extra doses of drugs to make patients dependent. And it is all for money. Many americans became "insane" because they felt into the sin of loving money which is the root of all evil. There is also a strange sect comming from Asia which spreaded in the high management of very large organizations such as Microsoft. A lady quit her job with Microsoft when I was fired from my job in AL. She told me shocking things. People from New Age tried to bring me in as well. It happened when I did a research to find out some strange things that happened to me at my last job in AL. They found out that I am very sesitive, so they wanted to bring me into energetical stuff and yoga. Stay away, watch out, pray a lot, you have no clue how wild this fast paced world really became.

  13. As far as me, I treid to warn people about many things. I was only despised and rejected for that. Therefore, I quit to even talk to people in Corproate America. I quit to inves my heart in such people too. They all ahve the Bible. So, no need for preaching. As far as my own life, my lord Jesus Christ knows it. And, I know that it is and it was lived for Him only.
    Still, am trying to warn you because we will never meet in person anyhow and we are not friends or work together. Trust me, satan comes as an angel of light every single day. We live the worst times in regards to spirituality. You can overcome the devil only through continuous prayer and a life closed to Jesus.

  14. More about the reality of rock music:

    Listen, there is a girl. I cannot tell you her name because she hides now. So, I will give her a name such as Laura. She is a Christian and she was a doctor. When she started her career, she had the bad luck to meet an ex-witch. She felt teh demonic opression in the hospital, in the end she demasked that witch and the witch was converted to Christianity. After her conversion, she told Laura a lot of things about the satanic religions. One of the bad things they practice is rock music. They use it as a worship music, they cast spells against all listeners so that the devil controls the mind of such people. They also use it to curse Christians in flesh attacking them through car accidents for example. Laura lost her license to practice medicine, because the same illuminati people tried to remove her and her voice. Now seh hides, she has a Chrstian organization, but I can't give you her web site.

  15. Illuminaty or mafia is like an octopus. tehy are everywhere, they were even in the place of work that I had in Romania. They are very similar with the Siciallian or italian mafia. They have so much money that you cannot even imagine, they attract people only through the means of money and power. If somebody knows too much about their secret practices, first they will remove that person, then tehy will spoil their image before the world making them mentally sick or crazy. And, in reality it is them and their demonic works who are the mentally sick. Pay attention what you believe therefore, do not let yourself be deceived by this world. The only book which confess the Truth in its totallity is the Bible and Jesus gives testimony to the Truth. Everything that does not conform to the Bible standards is from teh devil and comes from the devil.

  16. I can tell you more about Illuminati. I had a very good friend when I was in colledge in Romania. Her name is Vali. The interesting thing is that she got converted to Chrstianity when I was in USA. I got converted to Christianity about one year after her. She worked for a large corporation called Solectron. Check out the web site:
    Listen to the shock. Vali was very smart, she got promoted to be a manager on the finance department. She was very very smart. It happened that she found out a very huge fiscal fraud in whole Solectron. She was not wise because she started to tell everyone about it. That fraud was done by the big directors and big managers of Solectron in reality. Nobody listened to her. She was demoted from the managerial role as well. Now, it happend that Audit came from the USA headquarters to Solectron in Romania because of her voice. In the end, Solectron was acquired by Flextronics International, Ltd. All lies, all those directors were involved into Illuminaty or demonic practices and they were the fiscal robbers behind that fraud. Vali found strange objects which were only witchcraft spells against her. She was emotionally devastated, they played hard with her mind. First, their goal was to destroy her emotionally so that she will look insane. In the end, she was fired. She has no job now. A very smart and talented girl though. All this is the truth. Again, you have 0 clue about the wild world out there. No wonder that Corporate America and its big directors hate me.

  17. Maybe you find me crazy. but, I can tell yuo more. When I was in rmania, I was everythings except a Christain. I was the craziest girl ever and the most wild girl ever. I never had peace, and I was in a continuous search for true love, never really finding it. I needed Jesus in reality. Anyhow, it happend that one day a friend of mine told me that she wants to bring me to a witch who knows how to tell the future from tarot cards. I visited her. I found out from other visitors that she also had her special visitors who come to her only nights. They were people having very high positions and who had lots of money. They had to hide their identity so they visited her in secret only.
    Anyhow, that woman told me all the truth. I had no job then. Seh todl me this: girl, soon you will get a good job and you will also travel in a country closed by. Not long after that I was hired by a software company in Romania. They sent me to Germany after about a month.
    She told me that the man who was after me that was not for me and that he was married. She was right. There was a married guy who cheated on his wife with me and I had no clue about that. I found it out later.
    She told me that the man who I will marry will come from a foreign contry which is far far away. OK, she was right. Then, seh told me that I will leave Romania forever and go to live in a foreign country. I laughed at her then. But, seh was right.
    But, you know what ? She stopped talking about my future. She could see nothing from the day I became a born again Christian.
    OK, another girlfriend was with me there. She wanted to get rid of a guy who was after her and still bothered her through harassment. That witch told her how to do magic spells on that guy and she promissed her that he will be gone and never come back to her. Yes, it is true, it is all true.
    And, the powers that be go to such witches. I knew about this even when I was not a Christian.
    Anyhow, it is all demonic. So, I am telling you this. You wake up in the morning and you go into the world having no clue who you meet and what kind of strange things some people practice. That is why, please watch non stop through prayer, learn only from the World Of God, follow the teachings of Jesus only and believe in Him only. Then, you will be safe and in peace.

  18. This is a good video too:

    This guy was a mason and an ex-illuminati. I am also telling you this: anything, any form of religion which denies Jesus Christ talks from the spirit of the antichrist. Whenever you hear a person talking about wicca, demons, or even laugh about such things, please run away as much as you can. When you hear them, run away, do not listen to them, start to jump in the work of God and read, fast and pray. Believe me, I lie not word to you. The power of witchcraft goes through the spiritual world. If a person had any contact with such stuff and if that person does not believe in Jesus Christ, demons follow him or her everywhere. You, as a Christian should be protected, but only through prayer and a life closed to Jesus. Remember always that only Jesus Christ and His blood overcame the kingdom of satan and his fallen angels. Stay away from such people as much as you can, seek Jesus strongly. If you have to work with them and you cannot run from them too much, then you have to understand that you enter a spiritual battle. Pray and fast, sanctify yourself through a life closed to Jesus Christ. Trust me, I lie no word to you, If you do not believe me, read your Bible. Jesus talks a lot about demons and how satan is the prince of lies who deceives the world.
    Closed to Jesus only, there will be no power of darkness against you. Only He is our protection. We can do nothing from our own power.
    Remeber this: Vali was Christian, they still casted spells against her and she suffered very badly. That doctor was Christian, they still casted spells against her. Both girls lost their jobs and that doctor has to hide because of the controversy around her now. They are two persecuted women.
    So, the devil attacks even Christains. And the devil hates teh real Christains more then anybody else. But, through Jesus Christ the Christian can move on strong...

  19. Abot church denominations: each belvie that they are right and all the rest are not right. Listen to who is right: Jesus Christ and not sects who argue. And. you serve Jesus only when you are full of Love, divine love. I can tell you a lot about Love. Love is patient, love sacriffices, love does not seek its own, love is not selfish, love suffers long. I also learned that the lover or the one who loves is the one in whom Jesus finds the most delight and the lover is despised by the world. But, love heals diseases, it transforms the face, it brings peace to the mind and joy to the heart. Love is the most beautiful gift that Jesus ever gave me. I have learned that Love is enough for me to be the wealthy and satisfied.
    But, love brings pain and persecution too. God knows the secret of all. But, you serve Jesus and you are part of His church only if you Love. I myself could see no love in many churches. But, I found love in myself when I was seeking Jesus and asked Him to enter my heart and fill my life with rivers of living waters. Jesus Christ is Love in its perfection. God is the energy of Love which He gives into life all the time and everywhere.

  20. And, now I will conclude my long writings. Honestly, I do not care if you do not believe what I wrote here. I only said what I know and the only reason I did it is because I will never see you, you are not my friend and we do not work together. I jsut tried to warn you about things that belong to the spirit world only. If you live your life thinking that the only reality is whatever the brain can process based on the things made of matter or the material life, then you will say that all that is fairy tale and I am crazy. It is fine with me, honestly. I do not care what you think about me or what I have said. There is a realm behind matter, it is called the spirit world. Not many people have access to it. But, those who can see clearly are blessed, for they wil see God as long as they have Jesus in their hearts. And thsoe who know Jesus, know Love. Those who know Love know the secret of all for in such souls God finds delight.

  21. Forgot. I can give you an example of indirect demonic opression which happens all the time and everywhere. Witcraft have rituals and their churches too. Witches who worhip satan do lots of spells on the world, the same way real Chrstians pray for the salvation of the people in the world.
    As a result of the witches rituals, there can be a person out there who denies Jesus. He can be mentally opressed to a point that all his mind is disturbed. He needs to hear noise, turns to rock music thinking that there is no other way they can think or create something. They are opressed by demonic forces in reality. Demons attack the mind only. Once they posses the mind, they inject everything that comes out from the spells. All are lies, making such people sin and do the will of the satan. The result is the sin you see everywhere. And, honestly this is what stays behind the hidden doors of illuminati, whitcraft and other forms of false religions.
    I sense all this easily. I was able to sense lots of things ever since I was a child. I am jsut extremelly sensitive. Some people are like that. I use to pray for some peopel without having descernment. I felt a huge opression after that. All because I sense all this stuff. I learned a lot lately. It is a waste of time for me to talk to a cold world. I learned that seclusion is the best thing for me. My relationship with most people is reduced to work related talk only now. And, I learned not to try to give anything to a cold world from now on. Most people of the world reject love if I try to give it to them, they do not want to be loved and they do not want to love anybody as well. Fine with me, let them love themselfs, their pride, their money and their object. I have nothing to do with that, the same way they have nothing to do with what I know and learned from the Lord. :).

  22. You can keep on writing on your blog. You do not have to stop because of my comments. I wrote all I knew. There is really nothing else I have to say or write to you. I took all out of my head because that is how I am. I have to set my mind free. It is sad that I had to it because of the events that happened to me in AL. But, you know what ? God knows the reason behind everything. Also, feel free to remove some of my comments that I also think should not be posted for long. I would also suggest you to remove all comments about false relligion and that guy who was a mason. Such comments should not stay online for long. But, I would also advice you to pass on to people. they speak about a huge hidden reality. Trust me.

  23. Before, I leave your blog, I really and really want you to be sure that this quote speaks the truth:
    "Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand."- Benjamin Disraeli

    Therefore, please stop to trouble your mind with politics and what they do in the government. It is useless. Believe me, not even politicians and people in the government know what they do. It is not them, it is the illuminati power behind. I lie no word. I just try to help you. See, if you concentrate that time to write on your blog about Jesus, you will accomplish much more peace for your mind and joy for your heart. Please, believe me. Also, prayer help the most. We should all pray a lot. I learned it myself too. I am weak only when I do not pray to Jesus. I am strong any time I pray to Jesus. I care about you as if you are my little brother. You are my brother in Christ. :)
